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Developing Skills

Provide hands-on activities for practice and mastery. Check for understanding of concepts and skills by using relevant standard materials, i.e. worksheets, text problems, workbooks, teacher prepared exercises, etc.

Student Pairs Research a New Deal Law

Objective: Students will gather information about specific New Deal agencies and acts and share that information with their classmates.

Activity: Before class begins write the name of one New Deal agency or piece of legislation on a note card until you have one card for everyt two students in your class. It may be necessary to repeat agencies or acts. At the beginning of class have your students choose a partner and have one person from each pair come forward and draw a card form the stack. Give each pair of students three New Deal Agency Fact Sheets (Student Handout 2) and tell them that they will be researching the agency or act on their card to fill in the blanks on one of their fact sheets. You will need provide class time and access to the library or library materials.
When research is completed, have student pairs move around the room sharing their information with others and filling out two other fact sheets (Student Handout 2) using the information they gather from their classmates. Do not allow students to merely copy the Fact Sheets of others. Make sure they explain their agencies orally. Students should feel free to ask their classmates questions to clear up any confusing aspects of a particular agency.

Assessment: Successful and accurate completion of the New Deal Fact sheet.


The New Deal





High School






The New Deal

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