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Receiving Facts & Knowledge

Provide "acknowledged body of knowledge" related to the concept. Emphasize the most significant aspects of the concept in an organized, organic manner. Present information sequentially so students see continuity. Draw attention to important, discrete details; don't swamp students with myriad facts.

Instruction on how all of the parts of a plant work together to efficiently carry out photosynthesis

Objective: Instruction on how all of the parts/structures (roots, stems & leaves) of a plant work together (system) to efficiently carry out photosynthesis (function), making possible the interdependent relationship with respiration.

1) Referring to the backpack activity, ask students what the overall function of a backpack is (to carry their stuff, etc.). Then ask what the overall function of a plant is (photosynthesis). Elicit more background knowledge as to what they already know about the different parts of a plant and what role in photosynthesis is.
2) Using lecture, laser-disk, video and large-scale models, instruct students on:
• the structure and function of roots, stems and leaves, focusing on the similarities between each of the structures
• the 3 forces involved in transporting water through a plant (osmosis, capillary action and transpirational pull)
• the connection between the ability of plants to make protein and the nitrogen cycle (If plants only make carbohydrates in photosynthesis, how can a plant make protein that contains nitrogen in addition to carbon, hydrogen and oxygen?)

3) As time permits, invite a guest speaker on genetically modified crops or other agricultural topic.


Interdependence (2 of 2)





High School


Interdependence (2 of 2)


Structure and Function


Plant Anatomy

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