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Receiving Facts & Knowledge

Provide "acknowledged body of knowledge" related to the concept. Emphasize the most significant aspects of the concept in an organized, organic manner. Present information sequentially so students see continuity. Draw attention to important, discrete details; don't swamp students with myriad facts.

Elements of blues and jazz; Concept of Improvisation

Objective: To further explore the characteristics of the blues.

1) In a lecture/demonstration on blues terminology, describe the basic elements of traditional blues music: the blues scale; the basic harmonic progression (I-IV-V-I); blue notes; trading fours; walking bass line; riff.
2) Play blues pieces in meters of two and three, and those with a shuffle rhythm. Have students move or snap fingers to the various rhythms.
3) Mini-Lesson/Partial "Wheel:" The concept of Improvisation: Quadrant One, Right Mode:Objective: To have students improvise the missing sections of partially completed stories.
Activity: In small groups, students are given a brief situation or story which is not complete. They are asked to make up the ending, beginning, or supply the middle of the story. Quadrant One, Left Mode:Objective: To share "made up" stories with the class. Activity: Each group will read its solution to the missing section of the story to the rest of the class. Alternative solutions will additionally be discussed. Quadrant Two, Right Mode:Objective: To connect the idea of "making up" or improvising a story section with Improvisation in jazz music. Activity: Play several recordings of jazz musicians who are improvising. Make students aware that though improvised music is "made-up," it is created within a harmonic, rhythmic, and melodic framework. To successfully improvise, a musician must be acutely aware of the overall framework of the piece.

Assessment for Quadrant Two Left Mode Activities: Quiz over terminology and historical background.


Music The Blues



Fine Arts


Middle School, High School






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