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Receiving Facts & Knowledge

Provide "acknowledged body of knowledge" related to the concept. Emphasize the most significant aspects of the concept in an organized, organic manner. Present information sequentially so students see continuity. Draw attention to important, discrete details; don't swamp students with myriad facts.

Concept of Melody Movement

Objective: To introduce melody that moves by steps, leaps, and repeats.
Activity: 1) Teacher review how melody moves upward and downward from low to high notes. Explain to students that melody can also move by steps, leaps, and repeats. Review singing familiar songs and pointing out where the melody moves in these three ways. (Standard 1) 2) Review music staff. Show students how steps, leaps, and repeats have patterns. Steps = if a note is a space not it must move to the next line note directly above or below it creating this pattern, s,1,s,1 etc or 1,s,1,s etc. Leaps = the note must skip at least one ore more notes above or below it creating 1,(s). 1,(s) etc. or s,(1),s,(1), etc. Repeats = the notes must be on the same line or space creating s,s,s,etc. or 1,1,1, etc. Students will sing and play examples in text on Orff or resonator bells. (Standard 2) Teacher will demonstrate how to use a pentatonic scale to show these examples on these instruments. Teacher will also discuss with students examples of how artists and architects use these patterns through history. (Standard 8 & 9)
Evaluation: Teacher observation of students singing and playing examples of melody that moves by steps, leaps, and repeats. Teacher verbal questioning and checking for understanding of these three ways.


Melody Moves by Steps, Leaps, and Repeats







Melody Movement


Animal Melodies


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