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Receiving Facts & Knowledge

Provide "acknowledged body of knowledge" related to the concept. Emphasize the most significant aspects of the concept in an organized, organic manner. Present information sequentially so students see continuity. Draw attention to important, discrete details; don't swamp students with myriad facts.

Musical style lecture--then style and form of this selection.

Objective: To present information on music style of the Classic period and concepts about Beethoven and the Symphony #1--Third Movement.

Activity: 1) Discuss style in music. The Classic Period--formality, regularity. Compare with the 20th century--more variety in forms, harmony, etc. (Reminder of Beethoven as rebel--but within framework of the times he lived in.) His music still reflects his time. 2) Read about Beethoven. Discuss years--born five years before Paul Revere's ride--"British are coming." 3) Show themes. Look at score. a) Play themes for class as they watch score. b) Class listens as teacher shows class how themes appear within the piece. Teacher writes numbers on the chalkboard relating to themes shown in the book as the class listens and watches. (Theme 1-Theme 2) (1-2) (1-2) 1 (3-3) (1-2) (1-2) 4) Tell class--like previous listening lesson, this is not traditional 3rd movement (slower, dignified), but it is A B A (ternary form). 5) Draw diagram of the overall form: A B A.

Assessment: Attention of students to presentation. Review themes. Play themes.


Beethoven and Style



Fine Arts


Middle School, High School




Imagine the Scene


Beethoven and the Symphony #1-Third Movement

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