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Receiving Facts & Knowledge

Provide "acknowledged body of knowledge" related to the concept. Emphasize the most significant aspects of the concept in an organized, organic manner. Present information sequentially so students see continuity. Draw attention to important, discrete details; don't swamp students with myriad facts.

Study of Pipe Organs

Objective: Students will acquaint themselves with the myriad of colors produced by a pipe organ.

Activity: First, students will go to www.agohq.org and find the link that leads to “A Young Persons Guide to the Pipe Organ”. (If this is a challenge, the teacher can obtain hard copies of the guide from the American Guild of Organists.) The teacher should then lead the students through the various types of pipes that can be found in pipe organs in general. The teacher should also have several different types of pipes with him or her. The volunteers from the local or school band/orchestra should then play a short tune or a few notes on their instruments and the teacher should sound the organ pipe that corresponds with the instrument(s).

Assessment:Students will be able to identify the appearance of various organ pipes (as related to band and orchestra instruments) and will have a concrete understanding of the differences in color between various instrumental ‘stops’ on the pipe organ.


The pipe organ.



Fine Arts


Middle School




Transcriptions and Color


Music: Study of the Pipe Organ

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