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Receiving Facts & Knowledge

Provide "acknowledged body of knowledge" related to the concept. Emphasize the most significant aspects of the concept in an organized, organic manner. Present information sequentially so students see continuity. Draw attention to important, discrete details; don't swamp students with myriad facts.

Teacher will explain in detail the various musical instruments and how they are classified into different families

Objective: Students will understand the relationship of how certain instruments are grouped into families.

Activity: After the song presentations, teacher will explain in detail the various musical instruments and how they are classified into different families according to their method of sound production. (Strings are bowed or plucked and resonate air around them, producing pitch that is determined by the length of the string; woodwinds are blown, often with the use of a reed, and the vibrating column of air that produces pitch by bouncing around inside the instrument can be shortened or lengthened by opening or closing holes; brass instruments are buzzed with the assistance of a mouthpiece and use valves instead of woodwind openings to control pitch; percussive instruments are struck in some form or another and in most cases do not produce pitch.)

Assessment: Cards that contain photos and brief descriptions of musical instruments will be laid out randomly. Each student group must collect the cards that belong in their family. After all cards are collected, students groups will present their family of instruments to the class and briefly summarize why they belong to that family.


Instrument Families



Fine Arts






Family Songs


Musical Instrument Families

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