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Creating a Mental Picture

Provide a metaview, lifting students into a wider view of the concept. Use another medium (not reading or writing) to connect students' personal knowing to the concept (i.e. visual arts, music, movement, metaphor, etc.) Involve learners in reflective production that blends the emotional and the cognitive.

Building of stuffed whales.

Objective: Students will work in groups to make stuffed paper whale models for the classroom.

Activity: Materials: Rolls of heavy paper, packing tape, poster paints, large safety pins, heavy strong, old newspapers (shredded), large paper clips.

Directions: First, decide what scale you will use for your whales. Lay out enough heavy paper to make the body of your whale twice. (Remember your whale will be two-sided.) Cut out two bodies, two flukes, and four flippers. Sew the two sides together with string and a large needle leaving the tail area open so you can stuff shredded or crumpled newspaper inside. Stuff the whale until you are satisfied with the shape. Sew the tail closed. Sew together the two flippers and the flukes. Sew or tape the stuffed flippers into position. Cut a slot in the tail section, about six inches long. Slip the flukes into the slot and tape them into position. Paint your whale. Using the large needle again, thread nylon line inside the seam line near the head, and tie into place. Sew other end near tail, adjust length and knot into place. Slip a large paper clip onto the line. Use it as a hook to attach your whale to a hook on the ceiling. Look up and smile!

Assessment: Quality and authenticity of stuffed whale.


Whales 1 of 4











Whale Math: Concept of Scale

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