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Extending Learning

Encourage tinkering with ideas, relationships, connections. Set up situations where students have to find information not readily available in school texts. Provide opportunity for students to design open-ended explorations of the concept. Provide multiple options so students can plan a unique "proof" of learning.

assign each group one of the Religions

Objective: Students will plan a skit in which they simulate a day in a high school that is organized around the tenets of one of the Eastern Religions.

Activity: Divide students into small cooperative groups and assign each group one of the Religions that have been covered in class. Try to give groups a religion different than the one that they summarized in STEP FOUR. Have each group research their religion to determine its impact on society, culture and everyday life.
When research is complete tell student groups to plan a five minute skit depicting a day at a high school organized around their religions beliefs. You might suggest that they include things like school rules, dress code and school activities that could reflect the principles of an Eastern Religion. Try to impose as few limits on their skits as possible, but make sure you know that they will be evaluated on the quality of what they have planned and how accurately and clearly it reflects the tenets of the religion they have been assigned.

Assessment: Positive. Students should be eager to plan an entertaining and informative skit based on their knowledge of their Eastern Religion.


Religions of the Eastern World





High School


Personal Meaning


Representations of Quotations


Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Jainism

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