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Extending Learning

Encourage tinkering with ideas, relationships, connections. Set up situations where students have to find information not readily available in school texts. Provide opportunity for students to design open-ended explorations of the concept. Provide multiple options so students can plan a unique "proof" of learning.

Interview people on separation experiences. Personal separation stories.

Objective: Refocus on aspects of separation.

1. Students will identify one person to interview for personal experiences with separation. They must identify their subject; make an appointment; prepare appropriate questions, including a focus on coping strategies and necessary adjustments.
2. Students will write a personal separation story of their own giving examples from their own lives of how the betrayal of loyalty and trust is a form of separation. A final paper will be prepared comparing their own experiences with those of their interviewee.
Students will choose one project to be done alone or with a team:
1. Select a scene from the novel dealing with separation that would be appropriate for dramatic presentation. Prepare dialogue and practice for sharing with the class.
2. Role play separation and the changes it causes. Portray adjustments which lead to a level of comfort.
3. Create an illustration or collage of separations, adjustment, comfort. 4. Write a paper reacting to T.S. Eliot's statement, "To make an end is to make a beginning."

Assessment: Quality of reflective writing. Quality of project plans.


Where the Red Fern Grows





High School




Concept Metaphors


Where the Red Fern Grows

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