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Extending Learning

Encourage tinkering with ideas, relationships, connections. Set up situations where students have to find information not readily available in school texts. Provide opportunity for students to design open-ended explorations of the concept. Provide multiple options so students can plan a unique "proof" of learning.

Centers: Discovery ,Housekeeping, Sand and Water, Games, Blocks

Objective: To provide hands-on opportunities for children to experience/extend what they learned in Step 4.

Centers: Discovery, Games, Blocks, Housekeeping, Sand & Water, Art. Discovery: Match silhouettes of farm animals to realistic pictures of farm animals; using pictures of farm animals describe the coverings; match animal pictures to piece of wool, fur, and feathers; match baby animals to pictures of mother animals; hatch baby chicken or duckling using incubator--record number of days before hatching on calendar and pictorial timeline of development once hatched. Sand/Water: Float ducks and fish in water; create farm scenes in the sand using buckets, shovels, hoes, and other plastic tools.
Art: Draw, paint, sculpt using play-doh; make puppets, mobiles; look at art prints and find farm animals, e.g., Homer's Weaning of the Calf. Blocks: Build a farm with the blocks and plastic farm animals.
Games: Puzzles of farm animals and farm scenes; Farm Feely Box--feel for matching pairs of animals in large covered box; worksheet for matching mother to her baby; match plastic farm animals and other things found on farm to appropriate beginning sound basket.
Housekeeping: Set up as a farm house and role play life on a farm; make haystack cookies.

Assessment: Quality and accuracy of work products; level of participation at each center.


Farm Animals 1/3









Favorite Farm Animals


Farm Animals

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