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Extending Learning

Encourage tinkering with ideas, relationships, connections. Set up situations where students have to find information not readily available in school texts. Provide opportunity for students to design open-ended explorations of the concept. Provide multiple options so students can plan a unique "proof" of learning.

Cut and sew fabric pieces.

Objective: The students will build their banner panel.

Activity: 1. Carefully cut out one pattern piece from paper. 2. Pin paper pattern piece to the matching fabric color. 3. Cut out the fabric pieces as precisely as possible. 4. Repeat for all pieces of fabric. 5. As each piece of fabric is cut, lay it out on a table as you would put together a puzzle. 6. When all fabric pieces have been cut out and laid on the table, have them checked by the teacher. 7. You are now ready to begin sewing the banner panel. (Sewing may be completed by the students, the teacher or a parent - depending on sewing skills.) 8. Place two fabric pieces together, one on top of another overlapping about 1/8 inch. 9. Pin the pieces together. 10. Using a small zig-zag stitch, sew the fabric pieces together. 11. Continue to pin and sew until all pieces are assembled. Assessment: Co-operative learning through Art Production.


Creating an Environment



Fine Arts




Impact of Physical Environment


Piet Mondrian


Banner Construction

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