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Extending Learning

Encourage tinkering with ideas, relationships, connections. Set up situations where students have to find information not readily available in school texts. Provide opportunity for students to design open-ended explorations of the concept. Provide multiple options so students can plan a unique "proof" of learning.

Projects: Collage, research, act out, interview, illustrate, 3-D model.

Objective: To provide activities that will broaden students' experiences in the use of transformations.

Activity: Students will select one of the following projects. Students should be given a timeline as to when the check/edit day will be and when the project is due. Students should be informed as to grading procedures for the project. This is a chance for the students to extend themselves into the concept of "Transformations". When selecting a project, the student should be reminded to consider all types of transformations. 1. Make a collage of "transformations". 2. Write a research report on M.C. Escher. 3. Write and act out a transformation (as a group). This should be in the form of a commercial. 4. Interview a transformation. (This is a creative writing assignment about a character or object that transforms.) 5. Illustrate a transformation that has not been discussed in class. 6. Interview a professional that uses transformations in his work. 7. Make a 3-D model of a transformation.

Assessment: Quality and correctness of project.


Transformation 4/4





Middle School




Macro and Micro


Math (4 of 4): Scientific Notation

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