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Connecting to the Concept Experientially

Connect students directly to the concept in a personal way. Capture students' attention by initiating a group problem-solving activity before delivery of instruction. Begin with a situation that is familiar to students and builds on what they already know. Construct a learning experience that allows diverse and personal student responses. Facilitate the work of cooperative teams of students.

Values clarification.

Objective: Students will examine their own value systems.

Activity: Using Strategy #1 in the Values Clarification book, students are to make a list of 20 things, small or large, they love to do. Using the left hand margin of the paper, students are to code their responses in the following manner: $: anything that costs more than $5-7 (amount may vary) every time it is done; The letter A placed next to items the students prefer to do alone; The letter P next to those items the student prefers to do with people, and A-P next to those items for which he has no preference (alone or with people); The letters PL are to be placed next to items which require planning; The code N-5 is to be placed next to those items which would not have been listed 5 years ago; The numbers 1-5 are to be placed beside the five most important items in descending order of preference. (5 least favorite, and so on) Students share results in groups. For homework, students are to give the activity to one or more family members to fill out, and they are to bring in the results for homework.

Assessment: Completion of task.


Rich in Love





High School






"Rich in Love" by Josephine Humphreys

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