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Connecting to the Concept Experientially

Connect students directly to the concept in a personal way. Capture students' attention by initiating a group problem-solving activity before delivery of instruction. Begin with a situation that is familiar to students and builds on what they already know. Construct a learning experience that allows diverse and personal student responses. Facilitate the work of cooperative teams of students.

Activity with Scruples questions and essays on hard choices.

Objective: To connect students to the idea of making choices: how we make choices, why we feel guilt, and how our values dictate our choices.

Activity: Students work in groups of three. Each group is given a set of three Scruples (Milton-Bradley game) questions, with the same set of questions going to at least two groups. After 10-15 minutes of group discussion, each group must reach consensus on action and present their positions to the whole class for discussion. After all groups have presented, for homework students will write a brief discussion of the hardest choice they have made in life, why it was difficult, and what part guilt and/or other people played in the decision, what was lost through the choice and what was gained.

Assessment: Intensity of small group and whole class discussions; depth of individual essays.


Man for All Seasons





High School




Self views: Metaphors


A Man for All Seasons

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