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Connecting to the Concept Experientially

Connect students directly to the concept in a personal way. Capture students' attention by initiating a group problem-solving activity before delivery of instruction. Begin with a situation that is familiar to students and builds on what they already know. Construct a learning experience that allows diverse and personal student responses. Facilitate the work of cooperative teams of students.

Newspaper structures: different ways of learning.

Objective: The student will realize the many things he/she both wants to do and needs to do before making an effort towards balancing them in his/her life.

Activity: My Wants and Needs Collage. Each student is to make a collage in two parts, one showing the things which s/he likes to do, and the other showing the things s/he needs to do. Before beginning construction, together brainstorm lists of possible wants and needs. Wants might include playing basketball, talking on the phone, going ice skating, going to a movie or shopping, or even going on a vacation. Needs might include things such as walking the dog, cleaning his/her room, doing homework, washing dishes, babysitting little sister, or practicing piano. Point out that some things might be in both lists, such as walking the dog. Explain that the purpose of making the collage is to become more aware of the many things which students try to fit into their days. Go over various suggestions for making a collage including cutting pictures from magazines and cutting out letters to spell words. Allow time for students to work. After the collages are complete, ask each student to share his/hers with the class.

Assessment: Student collages and their descriptions which follow form the basis for evaluation.


Study Skills 6 of 6



Language Arts


Middle School




The Perfect Me


Study Skills: Goal Setting

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