
Integrating and celebrating self expression.
Engage students in an experience which will cause strong emotions.
Refining the expressive qualities.
Examine the experience.
Extend the self expression experience.
Imagery and music.
Students practice self expression.
Clarifying the concept.



Fine Arts


Middle School




Emotional Responses


Expression through Visual Arts

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I. Curricular Framework



Essential Question:

How have visual artists use their mediums to express their feelings over the centuries/


Emotional Responses


Expression through Visual Arts


II. Standards Aligned

III. Instruction and Assessment

1. Connect: Connecting to the Concept Experientially

Creating the mood.

Objective: The student will identify the need for self expression and role play an incident which will engage them into the thought process of self expression.

Activity: Create an incident which will cause strong reaction in the students. Discuss the feelings experienced. Small groups develop a role play identifying the issue and feelings experienced. Play music in background. Share skits.

Assessment: Student participation in small groups and overall class.

2. Attend: Attending to the Connection

Examining the issue and responses.

Objective: The students will list and discuss the issues which arise from the skits. The students will also reflect on and identify their own personal feelings toward the issue.

Activity: Have class list issues which arose from skits. Discuss how the students perceived the issue, how they felt during the experience, what caused the issue to be an issue. Have students identify the issue with a color. On newsprint, have them write the responses.

Assessment: Student participation.

Assessment, Phase One, Level of Engagement, Fascination:

3. Image: Creating a Mental Picture

Imagery and music.

Objective: The students will identify emotional responses to musical rhythms and sounds. The student will illustrate their responses.

Activity: Play a tape of instrumental music. Ask students to listen with their eyes closed for one minute and identify emotions which correlate with the music. Give each student a sheet of large paper, paint, and brush. Have students respond to the music using paint and brush, changing brush strokes, line, shape, pattern, and color as the music's mood changes.

Assessment: Student work.

Assessment, Phase Two, Seeing the Big Picture:

4. Inform: Receiving Facts & Knowledge

Clarifying the concept.

Objective: The student will identify, define, and discuss the concept of visual expression.

Activity: Lecture on the artist as historical recorder, social critic, or prophet. Show examples of work from artists such as Picasso, Jose Clemente Orozco, Chagall, Kollowitz, etc. Discuss the ways these artists used their mediums to express anger, social injustices, fear, etc.

Assessment: Quiz.

Assessment, Phase Three, Success with Acquiring Knowledge:

5. Practice: Developing Skills

Practicing self expression.

Objective: The student will brainstorm issues which are of concern to them. The student will select one issue and develop a thematic collage to express that issue.

Activity: Have students brainstorm issues which they feel strongly about. Have them identify the issue and emotion with a color theme. Then ask them to identify some images which will convey the message. Have them illustrate their work in the form of a collage using magazines, newspapers, found objects, etc. Play music as students work.

Assessment: Student work.

Assessment, Phase Four, Success with Acquiring Skills:

6. Extend: Extending Learning to the Outside World

Extending the self expression experience.

Objective: The student will illustrate visually a social comment.

Activity: Have the student take the same issue and extend their concept into a social commentary. Ask the student to develop an original drawing, painting, or sculpture using their emotional response and message.

Assessment: Student work.

7. Refine: Refining the Extension

Refining the expressive qualities.

Objective: The students will evaluate and describe the quality of work done.

Activity: Have students share their work in class. Ask each member of the class to choose a piece they like and write a description, including the message they received from it. Then have the students share responses with the artist. Have each student take their own piece and do a critique deciding if anything needs to be reworked. Allow them time to rework.

Assessment: Written work and self critiques.

8. Perform: Creative Manifestation of Material Learned

Integrating and celebrating self expression.

Objective: The students will incorporate their work into a final show to be viewed by the public.

Activity: Have students arrange an art show of their work: The students design a title and logo, invitations, the space to be displayed. Arrange the mailing list and invitations. Decide/arrange refreshments and any music to be played during the reception. The show opens-CELEBRATE!

Assessment: Public response, student response.

Assessment, Phase Five,Performance, Creative Use of Material Learned: