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Class broadcast and book expert presentation
Remembering your last birthday, draw a picture or write a story about what happened that day.
Refine and edit interview summary and group book bubble flow chart.
Share pictures and stories. Ask students what else might have happened that day.
Interviews and vocabulary word illustrations
Parachute activity
Small group work for summarization
Modeling of visual tool using read aloud. Book Talk.

Foundations & Frameworks: Summarization



Reading/Language Arts






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I. Curricular Framework



Essential Question:

What words or phrases best answer the
questions who? What is the goal or problem? What happened? Ho


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II. Standards Aligned

III. Instruction and Assessment

1. Connect: Connecting to the Concept Experientially

Give students time to reflect and then have them get right into this activity.

View a complete wheel plan for this unit in the resources tab.

2. Attend: Attending to the Connection

Did they eat breakfast? What did they wear? Did they go to school? What kind of cake did they have? All of these things also happened that day, but many are details that were insignificant to the main event, ie. not an important part of the summary of that day.

Assessment, Phase One, Level of Engagement, Fascination:

3. Image: Creating a Mental Picture

Students each take a place around large parachute, evenly distribute themselves. Teacher taps each student who must go sit down until there is just enough students to keep the parachute up and intact. Tell students that the parachute represents a story. Each person was a detail from that story. And when only 2 or 3 details remain, that is like a summary (just enough information to keep the integrity of the piece).

Do the remaining details need to reposition themselves to keep it in place? Where will they stand? What significance does this have to the summary?

Assessment, Phase Two, Seeing the Big Picture:

4. Inform: Receiving Facts & Knowledge

Read aloud: The Day Gogo Went to Vote by Eleanor Batezat Sisulu

Discuss with students what they know about voting and voting rights. in this country and compared to other countries. Modeling of Bubbled Flow Chart visual tool using the read aloud: The Day Gogo Went to Vote.

View the model visual tool on the resources tab.

Book talk the new books.
Tornado (Betsy Byars)
The Cabin Faced West (Jean Fritz)
Earthquake Terror (Peg Kehret)
Mustang Flats (Clifton Wisler)

View the book talk on the resources tab.

Assessment, Phase Three, Success with Acquiring Knowledge:

5. Practice: Developing Skills

Small group work on summarization in Specs Log. Introduce vocabulary words. Small group work. See daily unit outline in resources tab.

Practice exercises using Bubbled Flow Chart and Flow Chart Visual Tools and reading. Discussion of work.

Focus questions: What words or phrases best answer the question who? What is the goal or problem? What happened? How did he story resolve? What sentence can I write that best communicates the ideas I included in my notes (the balloons)? Can these sentences be used to form a paragraph summary? If not, revise them.

Assessment, Phase Four, Success with Acquiring Skills:

6. Extend: Extending Learning to the Outside World

Vocabulary word illustrations (new groups) Students choose someone to interview. Compile at least 7 good interrogative questions for this interview. Be prepared to give an oral summary of the interview for the class news broadcast. Begin work on group bubbled flow chart visual tool for Expert book presentation.

View the vocabulary words for this unit at http://www.aboutlearning.com/files/CS2vocabulary.pdf

7. Refine: Refining the Extension

Bubble Flow Chart interview.

Present written summary of interview to partner. Refine and edit for oral presentation.

Group meets with teacher to refine the bubbled flow chart for their book.

8. Perform: Creative Manifestation of Material Learned

Class broadcast simulation where each student presents oral summary of their interview. Book experts share their completed visual tool.

View the summative assessment at

Assessment, Phase Five,Performance, Creative Use of Material Learned: