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Student Performance
Valentine Cards
Share Music Characteristic Choices
Sharing Valentine Purpose
Compose Own Music
Love Songs
Identify Characteristics of Movement
Concept of Romanticism Movement

Music and Romanticism: Valentine’s Day







Romance and Music


Love Songs


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I. Curricular Framework


Romance and Music

Essential Question:

What are the characteristics of Romanticism in music and can I create a piece in the Romantic style


Love Songs



II. Standards Aligned

III. Instruction and Assessment

1. Connect: Connecting to the Concept Experientially

Objective: Students think about their emotions.
Activity: Students make Valentine’s Day cards for a friend or family member.
Assessment: Students are able to identify emotions.
National Standard: Standard 8: Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.

2. Attend: Attending to the Connection

Objective: Students describe and analyze their feelings and emotions.
Activity: Students talk about their Valentine and why they made it for the person they did.
Assessment: Students are able to direct feelings and emotions and express them.
National Standard:

Assessment, Phase One, Level of Engagement, Fascination:

3. Image: Creating a Mental Picture

Objective: Students can identify with other musicians and the message they send through music.
Activity: Students bring in songs and play them in class. The songs reflect what they think about love. The students explain why they chose the particular song.
Assessment: Students can interpret the song’s lyrics as well as style and describe how the song relates to them.
National Standard: Standard 6: Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
Standard 8: Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.

Assessment, Phase Two, Seeing the Big Picture:

4. Inform: Receiving Facts & Knowledge

Objective: Introduce Romanticism to students.
Activity: Talk about Empfindsamkeit and it’s evolution into Romanticism. Talk about the characteristics of that movement and some key composers.
Assessment: Students listen and answer high level questions.
National Standard: Standard 9: Understanding music in relation to history and culture.

Assessment, Phase Three, Success with Acquiring Knowledge:

5. Practice: Developing Skills

Objective: Students are able to identify characteristics of Romantic music.
Activity: Play “When Do we Suffer Grief and Woe.” Have students get into groups and talk to determine whether the piece is from the Romantic period or not.
Assessment: Students can come to the conclusion that the music is from the Romantic period and cite reasons why.
National Standard: Standard 6: Listening to, analyzing, and describing music. Standard 5: Reading and notating music.

Assessment, Phase Four, Success with Acquiring Skills:

6. Extend: Extending Learning to the Outside World

Objective: Students understand characteristics and can write in the style of Romanticism.
Activity: Have students write their own piece. They can use their own lyrics or choose a writer from the Romantic Period. The song should be in the style of Romanticism. They must use one other instrument besides voice.
Assessment: Students are about to apply characteristics of the Romantic period to their own music.
National Standard: Standard 4: Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.

7. Refine: Refining the Extension

Objective: Students can independently look at music to identify characteristics of the Romantic Period.
Activity: Pair students up and have partners look at each other’s pieces. Have them discuss whether they are following the characteristics or not.
Assessment: Students are able to correct each other if needed. Ideally, no corrections are needed.
National Standard: Standard 5: Reading and notating music. Standard 6: Listening to, analyzing, and describing music. Standard 7: Evaluating music and music performances.

8. Perform: Creative Manifestation of Material Learned

Objective: Students perform pieces in Romantic style for their classmates.
Activity: Students perform their pieces for the class. They must explain their thought process and what influenced the song, and answer the essential question.
Assessment: Students are able to perform their piece successfully and describe why they wrote it.
National Standard: Standard 1: Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. Standard 2: Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. Standard 6: Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.

Assessment, Phase Five,Performance, Creative Use of Material Learned: