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The Sharing Celebration
Each student receives one crayon and is asked to draw a rainbow.
As a group, students will plan a way to share.
Discuss rainbows, difficulty drawing a rainbow with one color
Students will draw a representation of sharing on a small square to be placed on the class quilt.
In pairs or small groups, imagine sharing: and role play sharing
1. Draw beautifuly scale to add to class fish. 2. Bring a vegetable for class soup
Read various stories about sharing (e.g. The Rainbow Fish, Stone Soup)

Respect & Sharing






Respect & Sharing


Modeling Sharing


Attributes of Sharing

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I. Curricular Framework


Respect & Sharing

Essential Question:

When is it important to work together?


Modeling Sharing


Attributes of Sharing


II. Standards Aligned

III. Instruction and Assessment

1. Connect: Connecting to the Concept Experientially

Objective: Students will experience how sharing enhances an art activity.

Activity: Students are given one crayon and asked to draw a rainbow.

Assessment: Students notice that you cannot make a rainbow with one color.

2. Attend: Attending to the Connection

Objective: To allow children to reflect on their experience.

Activity: Discuss with students: How does your rainbow look? Do you like your rainbow? How could you make your rainbow better? Encourage students to come up with ideas to make their rainbow better (share crayons with classmates).

Assessment: Children discover that it takes sharing to accomplish some tasks.

Assessment, Phase One, Level of Engagement, Fascination:

3. Image: Creating a Mental Picture

Objective: To have the children conceptualize sharing.

1) Work in pairs os small groups. Through guided imagery, have students imagine a time when they share.
2) Use movement to communicate sharing (children have thought in their head and then act on their idea). Example: bounce ball back and forth, jump rope, play with toys.

Assessment: Evaluate how the child’s movement portrays sharing.

Assessment, Phase Two, Seeing the Big Picture:

4. Inform: Receiving Facts & Knowledge

Objective: Determine critical attributes of sharing.

1.)Read various stories about sharing (e.g., The Rainbow Fish, Stone Soup)
2.) Lecture about sharing and critical attributes of sharing: must involve another person or animal, there must be a need.
3.) List similarities/attributes on a chart

Assessment: Examine responses on wall chart.

Assessment, Phase Three, Success with Acquiring Knowledge:

5. Practice: Developing Skills

Objective: Practice

- Students will work independently to color a large scale made of construction paper.
- Students can draw a picture of sharing on the scale. (Option: Students may prefer to create their own Rainbow Fish. These could then be placed in class sea.)
- Students plan which vegetables they want to contribute for the class’ stone soup recipe.

Assessment: Student engagement in the art activity.

Assessment, Phase Four, Success with Acquiring Skills:

6. Extend: Extending Learning to the Outside World

Objective: Students will relate new learning to their own lives.

Activity: Given a square of construction paper and crayons or markers to work with, student will create a representation of sharing. (Small cloth squares can be used and sewn into a real quilt.)

Assessment: Students will explain how their projects represent sharing.

7. Refine: Refining the Extension

Objective: To plan how students will share an activity.

- As a group, students will plan a way to share their work with other classes.
- For example, the large class Rainbow Fish and the class quilt can be displayed in the hall.
- Students can make invitations for other classes to view their work.
- Students can plan how they share the task of providing refreshments for their guests.

Assessment: Students participate in planning.

8. Perform: Creative Manifestation of Material Learned

Objective: To experience sharing.

Activity: Invited classes visit the class Rainbow Fish and quilt. They are treated to cookies and drinks, or whatever the class determined would be provided.

Assessment: Participation and sharing in the activity.

Assessment, Phase Five,Performance, Creative Use of Material Learned: