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Presentation commercials to promote the "goods" created
Name 6 game
Discuss goods created
Discuss other things children want
Create playdough "Goods"
"Touchie Feelie" bag
Web exercise
Define "Goods"

Music/Econ 2 of 8



Fine Arts






Sense of Touch


Definition of Goods

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I. Curricular Framework



Essential Question:

Explain the difference between “goods” and “wants”.


Sense of Touch


Definition of Goods


II. Standards Aligned

III. Instruction and Assessment

1. Connect: Connecting to the Concept Experientially

Objective: To connect students to the idea of "goods" in their lives.

Activity: Seat children in a circle, with one player standing in the center. The center player closes his/her eyes while the others pass a small object around the circle (key, bean bag, or some other similar object). When the center player claps his/her hands, the player holding the object must keep it. The center player gives the person with the object a letter of the alphabet. The player with the object sends it around the circle again and must name six objects that begin with the letter named. This six objects must be named before the object makes it around the circle. If the player doesn't succeed in naming the six objects, he changes places with the person in the center. If he or she names six objects successfully, the games continues with the same player in the center. The teacher records the objects named on the chalkboard.

Assessment: Involvement and enjoyment of the games.

2. Attend: Attending to the Connection

Objective: To recognize the items named as goods.

Activity: Teacher conducts discussion based on the goods named during the circle game. Add to the list the names other things children would like to have. Close with the children echoing the following chant: Hamburgers, teddy bears pizza and rocking chairs toys and videos baby dolls and legos fancy cars and big guitars I want them, I want them These are goods, get them if you could! These are goods, get them if you could!

Assessment: Contribution to discussion, involvement in the chant.

Assessment, Phase One, Level of Engagement, Fascination:

3. Image: Creating a Mental Picture

Objective: To use another medium to reinforce the concept of "goods."

Activity: Show students the Touchie, Feelie Bag and explain that when they put their hand inside, they will describe what they feel and try to guess what it is. Pass the bag around the circle until everyone has had a chance.

Assessment: Children's ability to touch, feel and describe.

Assessment, Phase Two, Seeing the Big Picture:

4. Inform: Receiving Facts & Knowledge

Objective: To teach the concept of "goods."

Activity: Define "goods" as being objects that we can touch and feel. Teacher conducts discussion on what is a good and what is not.

Assessment: Teacher verbal checking for understanding of the concept.

Assessment, Phase Three, Success with Acquiring Knowledge:

5. Practice: Developing Skills

Objective: To reinforce the understanding of "goods" as presented in the previous lesson.

Activity: Using a mindmap or webbing technique, the teacher will create a web around the idea of "goods" students will brainstorm as many goods as possible for the mindmap.

Assessment: Children's ability to contribute to the task.

Assessment, Phase Four, Success with Acquiring Skills:

6. Extend: Extending Learning to the Outside World

Objective: Students will have the opportunity to create "goods."

Activity: Using playdough, children will sculpt their own goods for "sale" and display.

Assessment: Enthusiasm for the project.

7. Refine: Refining the Extension

Objective: To evaluate and refine the "goods" created from playdough.

Activity: Working with partners, students will define and discuss their sculpted good.

Assessment: Teacher will observe student partner discussions for understanding of the concept.

8. Perform: Creative Manifestation of Material Learned

Objective: To celebrate the goods created.

Activity: Using crayons and drawing paper, students will create logo posters for their sculptured good. If time allows, give them an opportunity to "sell" their goods via their own commercial using there posters.

Assessment: Enjoyment and sharing of projects.

Assessment, Phase Five,Performance, Creative Use of Material Learned: